Saturday, January 1, 2011

Advice Needed...

I am seriously searching for advice, suggestions, any ideas you can give me on keeping my house in order!! It's burying me alive people! I decided today to really get with it and do some serious deep cleaning. I started with my living room windows.... which, if I am being honest, probably haven't been cleaned in a year. I never see them because they are always covered by curtains, and I just never think of them. And besides, they didn't LOOK that dirty. I seriously should have saved the paper towels I used and entered them in some sort of contest. They were BLACK! Anyway, all that too say, that was as far as I got.

A few hours later I decided to go in the guest room/play room/ soon to be Ella's new room and clean out the dresser that is currently in there. We will be moving all of that furniture out in a few months and I thought I would get a head start on it. I did get the dresser cleaned out, but now I have all of this STUFF- and no where to put it. I sat down on the couch so overwhelmed with all of the stuff in my house that does not have a home. THERE IS CLUTTER EVERYWHERE!

It's not just the clutter I am struggling with. It seems as soon as I get one room spic and span, another one turns into a disaster. I don't even know the last time my whole house was completely clean. I know part of this is because I have a little person who's life goal at this time is to scatter as many things around the house at one time as possible. But I go in other people's homes who have children, and they are spotless! They only real cleaning time I seem to have these days are on the weekends- which does not help the motivation factor. Who wants to clean on the weekends?? Surely some of you out there can tell me how you do it, how you stay on top of it? Am I just really lazy, or is this hard for everyone?


  1. I don't have kids nor is my house organized but the container store has really neat stuff/ideas & they have a website.

  2. That's a good idea. They use to have a store here but it closed. I need to check out their page!

  3. It amazes me how quickly such a little person can turn your house upside down! I had to make a chore schedule. It looks something like this one. Hope it helps.
