Wednesday, December 29, 2010


I do plan on doing a Christmas post. I left my camera at my in-law's house, so that's why it's taking so long. We did have a wonderful Christmas though! Ella got so many nice gifts from all of our family, and she loved walking in to toys Christmas morning!

Her big gift was a play kitchen. I almost cried when I opened the box Christmas Eve night and saw all those parts!! It took us TWO AND A HALF HOURS to put that thing together. We finally got it finished, put all of her other gifts out, and I'll give you one guess what happened next. She woke up. It was about 10pm at this point, and luckily she was still out of it enough that I was able to cut all the lights off and just rock her for a couple of minutes before she was back out. Thankfully she didn't catch a glimpse of any of her gifts! It got me wondering, what would we have done if this happened and she was 8 or 9!

We also got to drive up to our parents' house Saturday morning in the snow! This is a big deal for us, seeing as how I don't remember another Christmas before this when it snowed.

I think Ella's favorite part of the weekend was when all of my aunts, uncles and cousins came over Christmas night. She was wild opening presents.... and not just hers! Hopefully it won't be long before I can come back and add some pictures from the weekend. Hope all of you had a wonderful holiday as well!!

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