Monday, December 20, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Things...

This isn't the Oprah show y'all. These are not high-dollar items, and I won't be sending you any of them :). But seriously, I had to share two things that every person must own.

A Shark Steam Vac
I love this thing. Best hundred or so bucks I ever spent. If you have hard floors you NEED to have it. It vacuums as good as a broom, and THEN you attach a microfiber pad on the bottom, and turn on the steam part... and STEAM your floors! No getting mop water ready, no dealing with a nasty mop head. Just let it heat up for about 30 sec until the steam starts pouring out, and go at it! No chemicals, but very antibacterial!! Mopping is no longer a 30min chore!!

The next thing is this little contraption...
This little diddy is a remote control for your outlet. We bought it for the C'mas season, but I plan on using it all the time now. On the right, is the outlet. You plug that part into your wall, and then insert the plug of your appliance or whatever into the bottom. Then, when you want to turn it off, you just hit the on or off botton on the remote! It comes with 3 outlets. We currently have one for our C'mas tree, and our outside C'mas lights. No more climbing behind the tree, and no more going outside at 10pm to unplug lights! I just hit the off button!! And the best part? Only 15.00. No kidding. Get one.


  1. These are great! I totally needed one of those remote things this Christmas season. I about poke my eye out on a branch everytime I venture back there.

  2. OK Where can I find one of those!?!?=) Dawn C.

  3. What brand is the outlet remote?

  4. Now that I think about it, it actually came from Walmart and it's their Mainstays brand or whatever it's called. :) It was actually the only one they had, and I found it in the Christmas light section... but it's probably usually in the same section as extension cords and such.
