All my life, I always said I felt called to be a housewife. I forgot about that for a long time. I got married, got a "real" job, and life happened. I had a beautiful baby girl several years later, and still... life was happening. The cost of living is high these days, and staying at home with her just wasn't an option. I never second-guessed it, and put her in daycare to continue providing additional income to the household. Not to mention the 3 years of not-so-cheap infertility treatments that gave us our sweet girl.
Fast-forward 18 months. A miracle happened... and her name is Gracie Elizabeth. (Elizabeth, after another lady who experienced the blessing of a child when all odds were against her.) Once again, the cost of living is STILL high.... but daycare is even higher! Putting two children in daycare would have eaten my pay. In other words, I would have been working strictly to pay daycare. ( It's HIGH in my neck of the woods.)
All of this to say, that before I knew it... the Lord had given me the desires of my heart. Not only did I have a family, but with the birth of our second child, I was given the oppertunity to stay at home and raise them the way that I had always dreamt. Because, not only had He given me precious children to look after, but He had also fulfilled my purpose by giving me a hard-working, driven husband to help make it all possible. He is now the sole financial provider in our family, and for that I am forever thankful.
The transition from work to home has been a strange one, but I am so thankful to my Father, and the father of my children, for bringing it to life. Instead of computer screens and spreadsheets, I get to look at these beauties all day long....
Loved this post! And those kiddos are just too sweet, I so enjoyed hearing how you picked their names!