Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Back in the Saddle!

Wow, it has been awhile since I last posted. I was so exhausted at the end of this pregnancy, that I just didn't have the energy to do a blog post... sad! So, what has been going on?

My last day of work was May 27th. It did not feel like my last day, I just felt like I was going on maternity leave. I loved where I worked, and have a lot of friends there... so I am sure there are days I will miss it. But I do plan on visiting some, and keeping in touch with everyone. I will say, that the next Monday morning when I woke up, it was a good feeling :). I spent that next week doing a lot of resting. Ella actually got strep throat that weekend, so Monday and Tuesday she was home with me. The rest of the week I ran a lot of errands, went to my final doctor's appointment, layed out by the pool by myself, and just enjoyed some quiet time. We also took Ella to the pool several times in the afternoons, and on the weekend.

Monday night before my surgery, my parents came down and spent the night. We did not have to be at the hospital Tuesday until 10am, but this way they didn't have to fight traffic. We actually got to the hospital a little early, and they got the ball rolling right away. Miss Gracie Elizabeth was born at 12:46 and weighed 7lbs 3oz, and was 20.25 inches long. She is a tiny thing! She actually swallowed a good bit of fluid when she was born, and we thought they were going to have to take her to the nursery to be monitored for several hours due to fast and labored breathing. Luckily, that didn't happen and everything turned out ok. We came home from the hospital on Friday. My surgery was so much easier this time, as far as recovery goes. My first time getting out of bed was not nearly as bad, and a week later I am almost pain free. With Ella, it was a much slower progress. Speaking of Ella...

Ella was very excited to see Gracie for the first time. She was all smiles was was anxious to touch her and give her kisses. Now that we are home, she ask to hold her several times a night, and loves to stare at her. She has been acting out a bit in the evenings looking for attention, but we expected that and hope it will get better with time. She also gets very mad at me because I won't pick her up. I'm hoping by next week I will be able to hold her again. She had a bad night the other night and woke up several times crying. When I went in to check on her, she wanted me to rock her. Brent was asleep, so I carried her into the living room to rock, and could tell it probably wasn't the best idea as soon as I did it. We have had several visitors, and of course Ella has really enjoyed that. She loves when people come to the house, and loves showing them all of her 'things'.

Gracie has been a wonderful baby so far. She eats a LOT, and only cries when you change her diaper or if she is hungry. Of course, most of her time right now is spent asleep. She actually slept a 5 hour stretch last night, which is not normal this early for breastfed babies, so I am considering it a fluke lol.

Here are some pictures of the sweet girls. Hopefully I will be able to post more regularly now!

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