So, I'm in my sixth month of this pregnancy. I have about 3 full months and maybe a week before Gracie will make her appearance. I have no idea where the last 6 months have gone! Two of my friends that were pregnant have both had their babies, and so now I am feeling a little inpatient. Not too much though! I know I better enjoy this time with just one wild child running around. It's also stressing me out just a tad thinking about being at home with a newborn and a 2 year old. Especially with Ella's new attitude she's been sporting lately. And especially since I'm not even use to being at home with a 2 year old! LOL But I'm excited and can't wait. It's going to be fun having a little baby in the house again. Ella is getting SO BIG these days, and is just growing up so quickly.
Physically I am also feeling fine these days. At the end of the night, I can for sure tell that I am 6 months pregnant, but that's to be expected. One nice thing about the second go-around.... people (parents) aren't calling you every single day asking if you feel ok. When I was pregnant with Ella, I almost felt like people were hoping that one day I would just shout "NO I FEEL ABSOLUTLY TERRIBLE!!!" Haha. Luckily, the second time no one focuses on it as much. And I appreciate that lol. Now, speaking of the monster called Ella....
This kid knows the words to more songs than me. Her newest is You are My Sunshine. I've always sang it to her, but now she knows all the words and sings it non-stop. On the playground Saturday, it was Oh How I Love Jesus. She was just running around singing it at the top of her lungs. It was so funny! She also randomly started naming the days of the week yesterday. Not in order or anything, but I guess that must be the new thing they are doing in her class. And no, I don't quiz her on these things. I was literally standing in the kitchen and she just started spouting them off to me lol.
Potty training is going very slowly. She does ok on the weekends.... she will actually go in the potty 3 or 4 times. But at school they say they take her, but she never does anything. So who knows. It will happen in time.
We are back to hitting when we are mad. But then sometimes, as soon as she does it, before I even have a chance to say anything, she will say 'I sorry Mama' and hug me. So she knows it's wrong. I guess that's something lol. Knowing how to discipline a 2 year old has to be the hardest thing in the world. Can someone tell me the exact, correct way to do it? HAHA.
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